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Staying Motivated

First thing write your goals down the big ones, the small ones, and the everyday ones. Where do you write them down? Write them down in more than one place. Some suggestions are a dream journal of things you will achieve, a regular journal, a calendar or a planner, a vision board, a notebook beside your bed or one you carry with you, a page you put up somewhere where you will see it, on a file in your computer or in an email to yourself. Post your goals places you can check back and look at them. You want to see your goals written out reminding you what you are working towards. Also, you want to see those goals written down and be proud you wrote them out and that you are moving toward them.

The next important thing to do is to create visuals in your mind that go along with your goals, I want peace, harmony, prosperity, health, happiness, love, and abundance in my life what does that look like? For me I wanted to get remarried, have more kids, become a community leader, learn music, and have unlimited unearning potential so here are some of the visuals that are part of my dreams and goals. One visual is a professional videographer sweeping around me as I am playing a grand piano on stage leading an assembly. In this vision, I have long hair, I am singing my heart is filled with gratitude all this future version of me knows in her reality is peace and harmony. Currently, I am a beginner on piano and I am coming out of a terrible time of 8 years of continuous trauma and hardship but this vision shows me what is possible a life where I know peace harmony, and happiness. Another vision is drinking tea or cooking in my kitchen I designed listening to my kids plural run through the house. Some visuals are me holding a ton of money or me just laughing but ones with me laughing I am thinner my body is healthier I can feel the good health as I am laughing. Some visuals are very simple things I am talking with people in the community and I am smiling we are building a community center. Another visual I am cooking dinner and trying out a new recipe and I look back amazed at how far I came where cooking used to be a challenge it is easy in this vision. The visuals for your goals can be an image or a little video you can play in your head that helps you see and feel your goals ahead of you. If you can see it and feel it this dream or goal becomes real for you.

Then you need to embody your dreams or goals. Every day and throughout the day take steps towards making those dreams a reality. Exercise, work on business plans, eat well, do things that make you happy, and make healthy choices that help you take steps to bring you to your goals.

Most important have a positive outlook and believe in yourself. take steps, be patient, and give yourself the right conditions to grow and you will grow into a beautiful flower you have the potential to be.

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